10 Reasons You’ve Probably Quit on Your January Goals

The month of January has flown by, hasn’t it?  And guess what? Most weight loss resolutions will have flown by with it! Actually, it’s reported that 25% of Americans will have given up on their weight loss goals within two weeks; the majority within 5 weeks. And then the yo-yo cycle begins with the average dieter making 4 attempts per year.  There are reasons folks fall off so soon.  Let’s review 10 of them right here:

  1. You make the same goal or resolution every January.  AND, you do the same thing every year in terms of trying to achieve it. We all know that definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.  Yet we continue to do it.  Making the same resolutions and failing (quitting) every time is demoralizing and creates an expectation of more failure (“Nothing ever works”).  Without realizing it, you may have already planted the seed of doubt or failure before ever beginning your journey.
  2. You have not clearly identified WHY this goal or resolution is important.  That is, WHY is it a goal anyway? Is it just a knee-jerk reaction to going overboard with food over the holidays? How will your life change when you achieve your goal?  How much of a priority is it?  If it’s not an 8, 9 or 10 on a scale of 1 to 10, ask yourself WHY.  Either you may not be serious about this goal or you may not be ready to go for it.  Just because it’s January, does not mean this is the right time for you to work on it.
  3. You have not identified the behaviors and habits that need to change or be established to support the goal. What habits have contributed to weight gain, for instance? What behaviors have kept you from losing weight and getting healthy? Is stress or boredom a trigger for food?
  4. You may have unrealistic expectations for success.  Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was your waistline! Perhaps, you’ve set a lofty goal that is difficult, at best, to achieve.  Expecting to lose 20 pounds in 30 days, for example, creates an awful lot of pressure and is most likely unachievable.  Set smaller goals which are attainable and measurable. Success is achieved one day at a time.
  5. You have no plan.  Having a goal with no plan for achieving it is much like throwing darts with a blindfold on and hoping you’ll hit the bullseye.  The odds for that happening are slim to none. Outline the steps that will be necessary for your success.  For instance, drinking 64 ounces of water per day; cooking dinners at home 6 times per week; avoiding fast food restaurants, eating breakfast every morning, getting 8 hours of sleep per night.  The devil is in the details!
  6. Your goal or resolution is too vague.  For example, “I want to lose weight” or “I will eat healthier” is just too broad.  Get specific: how much weight do you want to lose; over what time frame? What does it mean to eat healthier?  What does that look like on a day-to-day basis compared to what you currently eat?
  7. You have a short-term mentality or want a “quick fix.”  We like immediate gratification and we’d love a magic pill to get us to our goal.  That just doesn’t exist.  Committing to the goal with a long-term mentality is essential.
  8. You are focused on what you can’t have vs. what you want. The mindset is key. Focusing on the positive: that is, “what you want” is sustainable while focusing on the negative such as “I can’t have that,” “This is hard,” ”nothing every works for me,” is no fun and you won’t be able to sustain that mindset for long. Remember, achieving your goals doesn’t have to be drudgery! Positive self-talk, finding joy in the journey and celebrating your achievements along the way is so rewarding.
  9. You have no support or accountability. This is a big one. We are most influenced by the five people closest to us.  If they do not support your goals, your efforts and / or changes in your behaviors, you’ll have a much tougher time sticking to your resolutions. Surround yourself with supportive, positive people as well as with accountability.
  10. You fail to overcome the obstacles and challenges that are ….. well, life.  There will always be a holiday, a vacation, a wedding, a celebration, a good day, a bad day, etc.  Learning how to navigate those challenges vs stopping or quitting when the challenge arises will be essential.

LOSING WEIGHT IS CONSISTENTLY ONE OF THE TOP RESOLUTIONS THAT ARE MADE AT THE START OF EVERY NEW YEAR.  What progress have you made in achieving your health goals for 2020?  If you are struggling but have a strong WHY and commitment to your goals, reach out for a complimentary 30 minute consultation.  I’d be honored to partner with you and get you across the finish line!

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Debbie P. - Atlanta, Georgia

Having Beth as my Health Coach was the key to my 60-pound weight loss!  With her guidance and healthy eating tips, I went off several medications, increased my energy levels, and learned how to make this way of eating a way of life. Work with Beth, you won’t regret it!

Steve G. - Orlando, Florida

My doctor told me I needed to lose weight as my cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugars were on the rise and referred me to Beth for assistance.  The results were fantastic! I lost 60 pounds (and it was easy!) and reduced my dependence on medications. My energy is back and just in time to chase after my new great granddaughter!  I highly recommend reaching out to Beth if you have health and weight loss goals to achieve!

Estela M. - Puerto Rico

I feel better than I have in years having lost 30 pounds (so far!) in two months and getting my energy back. And, after 4 years (since I was 5 months pregnant), I can wear my wedding ring set again! I highly recommend reaching out to Beth if you are struggling with your weight and don’t know what to do or where to turn. Your transformation will be amazing!

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